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Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 1:47 am
by GTC001
Hi John,

IGA Standart livery is very good. Then I make my VA own IGA Livery.

This is a Golden International VA IGA Livery. I hope you like it..


Best Regards,
Golden International VA CEO

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 8:32 pm
by AdmiralRolfe
Very nice livery. I'll inform the other members about the Standard livery design competition. Hopefully the livery will be released very soon.

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 3:00 am
by AdmiralRolfe
For any member that wants to create a design for the IGA Standard livery, the link for the IGA logo is below.

The standard font is Times New Roman. Font size depends on the size of the aircraft. It shouldn't be overly small or overly big. ... talwi9.jpg

Remember, the rudder should have your airline's personal design and will be different for all IGA members. Only the body will be the same.

The deadline will be Midnight, May 16, 2008 UTC. Design voting will start on May 17, 2008 and will end as soon as all members' votes are cast. Hopefully the IGA Standard livery will be created before the end of May.

Good luck to all.

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 5:36 pm
by GTC001
Hi Everbody,

We change our virtual airlines name,

The new VA name is " Turkish Golden VA "

Turkish Golden VA - CE0 - GTC001

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 1:49 am
by AdmiralRolfe
North Airways would like to wish good luck to the newly branded Turkish Golden VA :D

Recent news: North Airways has aquired its 2nd Boeing 737-900, registration N1481X, named Deneb. It has been sent over to KLAS and will be flying the US West skies.

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 7:25 am
by vaccaro
Air Mermaid wishes good luck :)

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:08 am
by AdmiralRolfe
Hopefully all members have noticed now: There is now a new color option for your signature. Members can either stick with the current blue logo, or go with the new golden yellow logo. Future colors will come soon to please all members. If anyone has a color request, don't hesitate to ask :D

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:42 am
by vaccaro
Thanks for the effort but I will stick with blue one because
* the light colored IGA text is more visible on blue
* Air Mermaid color is multi blue :)

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:42 pm
by Brian Peace
You cant read the text at the top of your new "golden" logo. Just so you know :D

Might wanna make the text readable and it would be a good one.

What's it take to join the IGA anyways?

My airline mainly serves The Northwest (Canada, USA, and alaska), and the states of about Montana, colorado, idaho, utah, california, washington, arizona, nevada, and the canadian provinces of Alberta, and BC. And alaska. were mainly serving the two western canadian provinces. We also have a mini-hub out of Miami that serves vacation destinations. We have over 500 flights in our DB... so adding us might make a pile of conflict routes anyways... but I'm curious anyways...

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:28 am
by AdmiralRolfe
Hi Brian,

Joining IGA is simple and details are on the first page. Here is a general overview.

-Have a safety rating of 80 or higher (easy enough).
-Routes can't be overly expensive or cheap from the standard price (+-25%)
-Routes can't be impossible to complete (landing on a short grass strip with a 747, flying from San Francisco to Sydney in a DC3, etc.)
-Follow FlyNET rules (we all have to :) )
-Finally, place an assigned IGA sig in your signature. Then just type INTERCONTIENTAL GLOBAL ALLIANCE MEMBER somewhere in your airline mission box so other members can easily identify each other.

The requirements are pretty simple for a reason. Currently FlyNET doesn't have an integrated alliance system (maybe FSAirlines will one day), so there isn't much of a reason to limit airlines based on their flightplans like in the real world. All IGA is trying to do is to form a group of airlines with mutual agreements and partnerships, like a flight club.

As for your flightplan, the only other airlines servicing North America are North Airways and Air Mermaid. North's flightplan is mostly concentrated within the US with a couple routes extending into Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Air Mermaid is centered around Jamaica and the Caribbean with a couple routes extending to the US and South America. Canada is pretty much empty for now, so your 500 or so routes should have a minimal impact on our flightplans. There may be a few conflict routes, but I'm sure that can be easily worked out and turned into codeshare routes.

It's completely your choice if you want to join. If you do, just send a message or just post right here :D

As for the signature, I'll see if I can get the IGA text changed. You're right, it is a little too bright on a bright background lol. I can see why the blue suits Arslan. All you can see after departing from Kingston is water.

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:17 am
by AdmiralRolfe
I've changed the dark yellow color of the signature to an orange. Maybe that'll help a little.

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:24 pm
by AdmiralRolfe
IGA Charter version 4.0 has finally been released. This version brings the most changes, including a conversion from the previous .txt format to PDF form.

The file can be found here: ... %204.0.pdf

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:48 am
by adoma

I've been reading and would like to sign my Va up!

Name: Executive Virtual Airlines
Main Hub: Montreal, Qc, Canada

Proof of Name: At the Time of creation I Didn't find a real life airline with the same name. Then I found one but it was too late to change on Flynet. It's official Name is Executive Virtual Airlines and that Logo is marked on all aircraft liveries. It's in no way affiliated with a Real world Airline.

So far we are just starting out
our website is up and running and our fleet is pretty much compiled for one of our Divisions.
we have 3:

Executive Canada
Executive Unity ( US & Canada)
Executive International

So far only Canada is up and running.

Thanks for Reading Through. :D

Liam Mckeown
CEO of Executive Virtual Airlines

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:31 am
by AdmiralRolfe
Liam, I've sent you a message to your inbox in the FlyNET Crew Centre. Sorry it took so long to reply.

The message has the details, but basically it says North Airways gives a passing vote, and you should expect the results from the other members in around 5 days.

So until then, good luck and hopefully we'll see you in the skies!

Re: Intercontinental Global Alliance

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:19 am
by adoma
Thanks AdmiralRolfe!

By the way, Do you have anyway to "Advertise" to the flight sim community?
I'm actually getting friends involved and to help me promote. But other than that I got nothing.