Arrival Bug

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Post by cmdrnmartin »

Ok, here's some tips that have helped me:

Restart your computer, before FS9.

Use the windows key to pop out of FS to see the FLYNet (make sure you minimize it every time before you go back to FS9. Go out and check FLYNet every 500 miles travelled. If your network connection indicates no communication (zonealarm is good at this) start Internet explorer to give your internet connection a jumpstart, FLynet should start working.

On a descent, 2~3 minutes out from landing, make sure you check FLYNet.

These tips have kept me from getting the bug, but then again, I havnt long hauled yet either (3000nm is the longest flight so far without a crash) Without registering a landing, start IE, and go search a (for fun) FLYnet has been known to come back from the dead and record my landing, twice. (Although it gave me an impact speed of -738 ft/min)

Post by BigQ »

so far what i can definately do is use the window key - was using alt+tab all the time - and go to that fark website...

Thanks, will keep you updated

Post by BigQ »

Justin, just tried your tips - I checked the client 10 minutes out though...

Didn't work... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Then I went to fark and i was wondering what i was doing on that site... :roll:

Konny, could you PLEASE tell us how the client records the landing? Because my signature says "taxiing", but it didn't land... I just ask this so I can think of maybe a way to work around this problem, and lower my stress level...

Post by BigQ »


The client does not record the boarding time, and thus even if it records the takeoff, the boarding time is not recorded.

Guess what is inserted as the boarding time? THE ARRIVAL TIME!

This means that I'll try to have at least 1 minute not moving before taking off - yes, i start the client at the hold short line.

Will keep you posted on my "experiment". Now I'm hungry, so it'll have to wait 2 minutes.

EDIT: That would also explain why the plane is on "taxi" status when this happens upon arrival...
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Post by Konny »

hm, I wasn't able to find the reason for this bug. If it happens again and you can't end your flight, can you please look up the client and tell me what the three values at the last line are ?
Konrad - FSAirlines Developer

Post by BigQ »

Sure will, Konny.

Also on this note, i find that you need to be at least a good 15 second's worth of taxiing at 20 kts G/S to get the boarding time value. I've been using a gate very close to the end of the runway, and when that happens, well, you guessed it, no boarding time value...