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Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 11:28 pm
by CAPFlyer
Ernie wrote:CaptFlyer, before you say "cheating on consumption" perhaps find the reason why. Like I said, the aircraft is from POSKY downloaded from avsim. I'm not European nor like the metric system. I use lbs. (last time I checked it was not breaking the law to dislike the metric system). I have not been contacted nor had a chat with you as stated in your post in reference to "less-than-honest practices". While that's your opinion, so be it I guess since there is a small little inner circle that is always concerned by what others do and like to make up their own rules as they go along. All I ask is the courtesy of letting me know the circle's intentions, please.
Let me start with this - you'd better look at yourself really hard before making some of the statements you have. No where in my post did I ever say that I, or any of the other FlyNET staff, had already contacted you and chatted about what you were doing. I said that we would be contacting you.

Second - You need to re-read the rules again. No where in there does it say you can't use real-world routes or build your VA based off of a real-world airline. It says that you can't use their name, logo, or paint scheme. You can use their routes, you can use the same number and types of airplanes, you can do anything else you want, just don't use their name, logo, or paint scheme as those items are protected under copyright and trademark laws, and we're not going to put FlyNET in a position where there is any chance of an airline taking legal action against us because we allow a VA on our system who has a real-world airline's name, logo, and/or paint scheme (notice the news on the front page about that issue before you go off about how we're not enforcing it).

As for the "inner circle" reference, there is a clearly defined staff for FlyNET, 3 DB Admins and 2 Programmers/Founders. We are the ones who run the network and ensure that things go as smoothly as possible. The DB Admins are Geoff (Safari Air), Justin (cmdrnmartin), and myself. The programmers are Konrad (Konny), and Claudio (DaKurt). If you see anything on here from anyone other than one of us 5, then it's not "official". Even at that, most things aren't official until they come off the keyboard of Konrad or Claudio.

Finally, if you think that using pounds or metric makes a difference to us either, then you didn't read the information posted here in the "Tips and Tricks" forum fully. You can load the airplane with Pounds or Kilograms, the client doesn't care. What you see on your flight summary is in kilograms, but that will change in the future and they will be available for display in kilograms or pounds, it's just in kilos since Konrad and Claudio are in Europe and that's what they're familiar with. The problem in your case is that 15,000KG of fuel consumption for a 14 hour flight is a bit fishy. I have the POSKY 747-400, and it burns fuel pretty accurately (and the client picks it up properly), so something is wrong with either your POSKY flight models (no one "tweaked" them did they?), something those accessory programs are doing is causing a problem, or you're flying with unlimited fuel. Those are the 3 ways that the fuel would be off.

Finally, I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish with using Invitt Pro. From what I can tell, this program is a screen-sharing program and nothing more. If your 5 people are flying separately, why do you need all of them to see each other's screens? If you want to share a cockpit, there are programs out there for doing that, but in that case, you should not have both pilots flying with the client on, only one of them per leg since it would be essentially double-dipping if you have 2 pilots flying in the same cockpit, which is not how FlyNET was intended to be used.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:43 am
by WidowMaker
Your right we do have an obsession about being number one it’s because we are always in the top ranking no matter what game we participate in. And I hate to break it to you but we have never had to Cheat, or use exploits in a game to achieve a good rating. We have unlike some Teams/Squads/clans have always gained respect from others within the gaming community. I have been forced to fly at 16X compression to try and keep up with your group of one/five. And the only reason I did not call you out by name is in respect to the guys that put this program together, there was a note if I remember right about call Cheaters, Cheaters on the forums so I will not call you a cheater, but after reading your post I will call you an exploiter. It is sad to think that some people have to downgrade a good game and program in order to get ahead. Why not try something most of us do and try and gain some skill? You say in your post your 35 years old, if so grow up and act like it and understand why people don’t care for exploiters, cheater, or hackers.

I understand this will most likely be my last post on these forums because the admins here will most likely remove my name from the membership here. Even tho I really enjoy Flynet, I have to say how I really feel.

You’re a No good piece of dog dung and I will say that about anyone that exploits any online game.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 3:54 am
by Ernie
What ever dude, that's your opinion and you don't even know the whole "issue". I'm done explaining myself to you or any other cry baby. Yes I am 35 and trust me I'm probably more mature than you are. As for your dog dung comment, back to you. Your avatar kind of explains it all I think.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:02 am
by Shotgun
Ernie we follow all rules here as do most. The fact that Quantum brought up is a valid one.How can 5 pilots take of at exactly the same time and land at the same time,burn the exact same amount of fuel? This is what everyone is keying on. Another thing is that if your a real world pilot you should know that a 747-400 takes more than a splash of fuel to fly 7000km. Game over.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 5:30 am
by Fess
Ernie wrote:Dirty Dozen should not point fingers at any one. You guys have an obsession about being #1 on stats. Personally I don't care about "stats". If you haven't been #1 in ALL categories in a few days then fly more (the stats portion is what's tossing your cookie here).
Stats? What stats?
Ohh Cool, there's a Stats Page.
Game ON!!!

Obsessed? Yeah, I have some obsessed members. I like to call em "Ringers".
Competition on FlyNET has been an intragul part of my members group therapy here in the asylum. They are much less anti-social since starting FlyNET.
Some of my inmates...err...members have improved so much they have qualified for supervised weekend releases.

FlyNET promotes good mental health.



Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 5:34 am
by IslandBum
I've been loathe to get involved in yet another argument like this, however it seems to have devolved into a slanging match, so I will say this

Ernie - your not the only virtual airline that is using this "tactic" and personally I find it offensive and pointless - Flynet is not so much about "winning" as running a virtual airline realistically - As you pointed out so vehemently there are singleton operations who are more into the management/lease side of the business and do very well at it without flying all the time - Wardair is an extremly good example of this - and its more about the fact that is its owners
bent - must be something do with being a business major at University :wink: Widowmaker and his bunch of hooligans and Wolfs bunch are ex combat simmers who came to try something different - And Btw Widowmakers bunch have been scruntinised and their operation is legitimate. Then there are the likes of Quantum's CBFS , Joes Virtual PSA, Airboaters Pleasent Skies and Venture Hawaii - all are based on "real" airlines - In Quantums case about a dozen different British operators - Virtual PSA is legititmate as the company no longer exsists so using the name and colour scheme does not present legal ramification. Venture is based on both the original equipment and colour scheme and name of a very short lived British carrier - and like CBFS and PSAVA caters to a group who prefer to fly older aircraft types on realisitic routes that are not dependant on glass cockpits and GPS navigation - we are more into emulating real aircraft operations from the past -- It is very pleasing to watch 3rd and 4th generation Flynet VA's discovering the same thing (imitation being the sincerest former of flattery) At VHA we have been working on using shared cockpit systems like FSnet as a training tool and as Chris pointed out when we put it into practice only one of the players will be actually logged into Flynet - we are also experimenting with the use of FSE and the soon to be released RealworldATC to be used in conjunction with Flynet - I find your "explanation" that your company is doing so well that your employees have the time to play a little unrealistic but thats your business not mine - This is a hobby , I prefer to do my virtual flying and virtual airline business when Im NOT working at my real one - Your comments about what you have as far as flight time and ratings impresses me not - if your that damn good come work for a real airline - we will be more than happy to try your abilities in a MD80 simulator :lol: - VHA has several real world pilots - and I know of several more that use FSNet none of us openly brag about it -as in the real world they just go about their job , helping and advising those whose only knowledge of flying comes from a MSFS product and enjoying the challenge of flying aircraft that have long vanished from service into interesting and challenging destinations - as I have stated before on this forum, any fool can fly a 747-400 or 777 from San Francisco to Tokyo at x16 compression and then let the autoland system deposit them -
wheres the skill? So I guess your the one thats missing the point here - anyone can do what your doing and it proves nothing , no skill no knowledge no imagination required. Finally I find nothing personally wrong with Widowmakers avatar - those of us who have over the years enjoyed Lynyrd Skynyrd, ZZ Top, and a host of Southern bands see it and smile - Your avatar however I take alot of offence at - in fact I would ask the Mods and Admin to remove it.


Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 6:40 am
by Ernie

I'm done with explaining and the he said games. Yes my company does pretty well, and yes some (the ones into simming) are allowed to play as long as I let them. As you pointed out, it is my company last time I checked and as master of that little universe I can do with it what I want (except with the IRS, they seem to always like to take their "fair share" of the pie :D) . As far as working for an airline, no thanks, my brother already flies for one in real life. I chose to make real money in life and concentrated on finances for my real life career. Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting down how a man chooses to earn his living. But one of our main abilities in life is to make a choice, i made my choices, others make theirs. And yes, I do fly in real life. My point was not to impress anyone, just to make a point that some people have or do it for real and most do so in a just pretend world, yet they are experts on the matter. Sure, I'll try your Maddog simulator. Just put me through the training real pilots receive (and you pay for it :D). As you know in your expert experience, flying a MD80 in FS and one in a real simulator are not even close. I never made reference to flying any airliner type of aircraft. I have been fortunate to be able to afford a great hobby such as flying, with some jet time.

I don't fly FS with autoland. I fly it using approach plates and don't even use the FS ATC, I think its crap, I use Radar Contact. As far as flying 16x, do you think anyone in this pretend world is able to fly 10+ hour routes at normal rate? Now, doing so I would consider cheating since you probably would fire up the sim, get to flight level, and when ATC hands you over to the next controller you acknowledge and the just not respond, then go to sleep, wake up, and restart comms when about 200nm or so from destination. In my case, Radar contact has Ctrl+Shift+K for comms, and Ctrl+Shift+M for autopilot and the copilot flies for you. Sound familiar, it happens a lot with all these "I'm proud to say I never use time compression..ha ha ha" types. I choose 16x on long routes or any other route I would feel like for that matter. At least I'm in front of the sim and monitoring systems and gauges, not sleeping, going shopping, or something similar. Do I take business calls, and do other things while at my desk, sure, its real dough! and I don't care how much my enthusiasm for FS is, real money comes first. Call me a materialistic pig, a right-wing nut, what-ever, real dough is a priority in my book.

You have the right to feel any way you want about my avatar and totally love Widowmaker's. Last time I checked it was still a free country (even with all the politically correct doo doo and all). Did you ever consider I may have the right to find things offensive too? (not that I do, I could care less) BTW I was a fan (still am) of Skynyrd, ZZ top not even close though :)

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 8:59 am
by Airboatr
IslandBum wrote:, Joes Virtual PSA, Airboaters Pleasent Skies and Venture Hawaii -

Excuse me there harding
It's Pleasant Sky Airlines
Please speak for yourself..
I don't need your help thank you

to the Admins
I had NO intention of using PSA as a motto ...eye catcher ...nothing
Infact when I thought of it, it was something that popped into my head after I departed VHA
and if the powers that be, would change it to PS or what ever I don't mind

I have some to add about the fuel consumptions
I fly the line on the GPS
so If my fuel seams tight well there ya go
I'm not going to fly routes waypoints whatever...., just not gonna do it
but I don't cheat.... what fun is that?
I have crash detection on and all realisims on to the AC full right on the percentage bar
and I figure the fuel by looking at past flights in the log or pre-fly the fight in FS and then redo it with the client running
I have very little real world working knowledge of an airline ,, and it's just fine with me ,, I do this for fun ..... it''s a game
which is why when I was wanting a more Pleasant flying experince in flynet, I came up with Pleasant Sky
btw there is also a AIrline that used Pleasant in the name. Pleasant holiday hawaii airlines or something
which I found on google After the Airline was already started.
again..... no inference whatso ever

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 9:47 am
by Quantum

I think by now, Ernie and anyone else reading this thread will get the message that if anyone want to share the flying of an aircraft from A to B (if you are unable to crew it alone) only one pilot is to be recording the flight on FlyNET. The co-pilot, navigator, second navigator, cabin stewards or whomever else forms part of a 'crew' can go along for the ride using whatever software they wish but they must not also be logging the same flight. As an admin has pointed out, that is double dipping, or more, depending on how many crew you have helping you out! Only the designated PIC should log the flight.



Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:00 pm
by Quantum
Thinking about this again, due to the less than savoury language in Ernie's PM's to me, I think that he knew exactly what he was doing by allegedly getting his employees to 'crew' with him. He has contradicted himself on more than one occasion and has stated that he likes crewing Russian aircraft that have a crew of five and assign pilots different tasks for the flight. What a load of BS he knew what he was doing.

Just one example of his 5 crew Russian aircraft :

May 4th MUHA - KLAX

Messrs Garcia, Cortez, Webster, Garcia 2, Arguello, Maldonado, Sawyer and Jones crewed his 'Russian' aircraft all with identical departure time 1447 and arrival time 1928, flight duration 4hrs 41minutes burning 6075kgs.

Hang on, thats eight pilots on his 'Russian' aircraft. Hang on, it was a B744. Each pilot was logged as a separate flight in a separate airframe. There are too many instances of similar flights to mention them all but their VA has made obscene amounts of money in a short space of time by this means.


Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:17 pm
by WidowMaker
Why would you not allow me to go home this weekend? I worked hard for my weekend pass away from camp Dirty Dozen Home for old Fly Boys. I’ve only been out of my cell once this week and that was to make arrangements to bury Shotguns pet bird that Joe killed, I will make up those hours on Flynet this week. My 35 year old son was wanting me to visit this weekend so I could show him how to fly like his little bother the 32 year old (he is the stat dude from last months awards in hours and miles). Oh well I guess I am just stuck here behind my computer in this cell, listening to a little Led Z, Lynyrd while I work on my Southern Gentleman lessons you wanted me to take. Are you sure that after I finish these lessons I will no longer call people names and remove the shotgun from the gun rack in the back window of my 53 ford pick up? Do you think I will want to drink Crown Royal with a splash of imported water instead of my shine out of a jug, do you think I would really want to smoke those left handed cigs, instead of dipping my skoal?

Fess you are turning us all into hooligans!!!

That’s ok Fess, I will just remain a “Good Ole Southern Boy”

Sweet Home Alabama


On a serious note, Thanks to the guys that run Flynet because their time donated to the program is for us all to have fun with. Let’s all have fun and fly some now

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 4:53 pm
by CAPFlyer
Okay, this has gotten way outta hand and I'm locking down this thread.

This is the final word on the issue -

1) Dirty Dozen - This is not a game about being #1. There is no bonus, advantage, or reward for being #1. If that's what you're here for (to be #1 at all costs) then I suggest you think about going elsewhere for your domination. We're here to enjoy the community and to operate in a realistic environment. If all you're going to do is try to be #1, then you're not going to be happy when more of the restrictions kick in and it gets even harder to make money.

2) Ernie/CBA - I am very suspicious of your use of a screen sharing program as an integral part of your VA, especially since it's being used while flying on multiplayer. If you choose to continue using it, then I ask that you do so elsewhere. It's not fair to the other users for you to operate outside the accepted limits of FlyNET and get an economic advantage that not everyone else can have.

3) Any additional threads brought up on these issues *WILL* be locked and the users who start them will be suspended for 7 days. I don't take lightly to this kind of actions against other airlines. The DB Admins and Programmers are the ones in charge of running this community, not the individual airlines. The members make decisions on new features, not who can and can't fly on this network.