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Re: AN-225

Post by joefremont »

Hi All, I have been thinking about this quite a bit, when it seamed like it might be a short war, grounding it for the 'duration' seamed like a good idea, but as this terrible war drags into its third week with no end in sight. I had wondered if Russia succeeded in there conquest could we ever consider the war concluded, I certainly would not want to celebrate that by ungrounding the 225 then.

The other question is how to deal with all the members who use our site from Russia given all the sanctions being imposed around the world. I don't want to cut off all our Russian member because of events outside of there control and I support the idea of keeping lines of communication open but myself given the horror of whats happening on Ukraine I don't want do anything that would undermine those sanctions. PayPal has now taken the lead on that by cutting off Russia and since that is our payment method it takes the sanctions issue out of our hands. The only other example of a nations people being cut off from PayPal is in Turkey, but in that case it was there own government who cut off its own citizens so I had no trouble letting them continue to use FSA, but this different, because of the actions of the Russian government and its leaders the whole of the civilized world is cutting them off. Today two VA's based in Russia contacting me that PayPal had cut them off what can they do, and I gave them both 3 month accounts so we can wait and see what happens. It may become a moot point as there are rumors that Russia may just cut off its internet to the rest of the world. They have already blocked access to several of the major news and social media sites and I suppose they could block us also, not sure why they would but if they did I would probably take it as a badge of honor.

Back to the AN-225, separately I do have an issue with the way its being used on FSA, in real life it was used to carry specialized cargo and the occasionally relief supplies, not as a general cargo hauler but I suppose that is a subject for a different conversation. I will relent on this and will release them on Sunday, which will be two weeks from when they were grounded.
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Re: AN-225

Post by ludosya »

bonjour certaines compagnie possede l AN 225 j aimerai pouvoir le posseder dans ma flotte vu que je fais beaucoup de cargo mais je ne le trouve nulle part en vente sur fsa pour l integrer dans ma compagnie
comment puis je faire ???merci
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Re: AN-225

Post by ADAM-007 »

ludosya wrote: Sun Mar 13, 2022 11:37 am bonjour certaines compagnie possede l AN 225 j aimerai pouvoir le posseder dans ma flotte vu que je fais beaucoup de cargo mais je ne le trouve nulle part en vente sur fsa pour l integrer dans ma compagnie
comment puis je faire ???merci
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Re: AN-225

Post by joefremont »

Even though the AN-225 is no longer grounded, I think we may hold off giving out any new airframes for a while.
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Re: AN-225

Post by ravenblade »

I understand and respect your decisions as the lead for FSA. In my opinion, reactions to politics and war should be kept from this platform. It does more harm to our community that good, regardless of the very good intentions. Not being critical, just sharing one opinion of many.


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Re: AN-225

Post by ludosya »

bonjour sachant pas comment ouvrir une demande sur fsa ... j avais indiqué etre desireux d en posseder un ANTONOV 225 dans ma compagnie etant le PDG AIR PROVENCE et pour etre egal aux autres cie le possedant a travers le simu aussi j adorerai pouvoir nous l offrir faisans beaucoup de cargo pour ma part
Apres de mon point de vue on est tous contre ce combat via l ukraine mais si l on rentre dans toute les polemiques ont clouerait beaucoup d avion sur simulateur et donc au sol deja tous les avions militaire car certain et oui servent a faire la guerre (Bien placé etant ancien militaire de carriere)
donc j espere que l on ne melangeras pas tous entre le plaisir du simu et la vie reel et je pense qu il est plus honorable de continuer a voler avec mriya que de le faire disparaitre par un adieux comme pour les crach d aeronefs, ont les arretes pas malgré des catastrophes aeriennes
voila c etait juste mon opinion et merci pour cet echange
et si quelqu un pourrais m informer de comment faire pour ouvrir une demande pour ma cie ca serais top merci a vous

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Re: AN-225

Post by joefremont »

One pilot just asked for an AN-225 for there VA and I gave this answer.
Out of respect for the lost of the real AN-225 we have paused the introduction of new aircraft of that type in FSA for the remainder of this month. Ask again in April.
So officially we will again allow new AN-225's starting early April, although probably not the weekend of April 1, I am going to be out of town.
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Re: AN-225

Post by ludosya »

D accord merci pour le reponse j attendrai donc avril pour l AN 225 attendu grandement
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Re: AN-225

Post by joefremont »

A few more pics of the wrecked aircraft.





Its going to take more than a bit of duct tape to put it back together. Very sad.
I've sworn an oath of solitude until the pestilence is purged from the lands.
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