ERROR withPrivate hangar self booking itself.

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ERROR withPrivate hangar self booking itself.

Post by FsNovice »

i was flying my private plane from EGKK to LEIB and all was going well until i got to reus AB, as they client and the file flightplan part of PH said i had a previous leg booked which i had already flown and landed and closed down properly ETC. I appeared on my profile as at reus so this didnt tally, this is not stopping me from flying any aircraft now!!!. The really odd thing is , the aircraft appears unbooked, so not sure what to do???. Any advice, or do i need to get the DB admins to release it? Thanks

Joe Landers(trapped at LEIB)

Post by FsNovice »

EDIT: No Bumping topics... --DaMods.

As to your issue, send a PM to DaKurt, detailing in depth your issue. Include Flight#, reg, etc. --DaMods x 2