Hi, I am having a problem with the webpage, so thought I'd give you a heads up that it was happening. Of course, it might only be me, but then, I won't know until I mention it.
I can log into the website, do some airline admin for 15 minutes, and then, I get this:
After 5 minutes, I can usually get back into the website, carry on with what I am doing. Then, another 10 or so minutes later, it happens again. And so on.
Sorry I can't read German, so I'm guessing that this is generated from your side (I live in New Zealand). So, just so you know, that's what I'm getting over here quite often..
Thanks very much!
Webpage error
Moderator: FSAirlines Staff
I've posted than answer to this before. I now i have.....
Internal Server Error 500 means that too many people are trying to access the server at one time. Server load needs to be decreased before it will allow you access the site. There are a couple of ways around this. Some are more easily done than others. Unfortunately the Easy ones are not necessarily accessible.
Internal Server Error 500 means that too many people are trying to access the server at one time. Server load needs to be decreased before it will allow you access the site. There are a couple of ways around this. Some are more easily done than others. Unfortunately the Easy ones are not necessarily accessible.
Not necessarily, an Error 500 could be thrown in many ways. Server over load is only one, back-end problems another, coding errors a third, etc. etc.recce wrote:Internal Server Error 500 means that too many people are trying to access the server at one time.
Error 500 is a general error that is thrown when a more specific error code cannot be found/used.
The definition is:
500 Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. this could be obtained in numerous ways.
A thorough explanation of html error codes amongst other things can be found at w3.org:
Best Rgds