.71 file

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.71 file

Post by JJacobs »

UPDATE FlyNET_Logs Set Status='2' WHERE ID='3655';
UPDATE FlyNET_Routes SET State='0' WHERE ID='5135';
UPDATE FlyNET_Aircrafts SET Status='0' WHERE ID='1147';
UPDATE FlyNET_Pilots SET Location='YSSY' WHERE ID='71';
UPDATE FlyNET_Aircrafts SET Location='YSSY' WHERE ID='1147';
UPDATE FlyNET_Aircrafts SET Fuel='14997' WHERE ID='1147';
UPDATE FlyNET_Pilots SET Budget='159135' WHERE ID='71';
UPDATE FlyNET_VirtualAirlines SET Budget='200543159' WHERE ID='329';
DELETE FROM FlyNET_Accounts_VA WHERE VA_ID='329' AND Value='111695500' AND Reason='Flight revenue' AND TS='1148180158';
INSERT INTO FlyNET_Accounts_VA (VA_ID, Value, Reason, TS) VALUES ('329', '111695500', 'Flight revenue', '1148180158');
UPDATE FlyNET_VirtualAirlines SET Reputation='109.00' WHERE ID='329';
UPDATE FlyNET_Aircrafts SET Value='193180679', StateEng1='97.566002', StateEng2='97.566002', StateEng3='0.000000', StateEng4='0.000000', StateGear='97.566002', StateHull='97.566002' WHERE ID='1147';
DELETE FROM FlyNET_Reports WHERE TS='1148180158' AND Pilot_ID='71';
INSERT INTO FlyNET_Reports (AC_Type, AC_ID, PIC, PID, VA, Dep, Pln_Arr, Arr, Deptime, Arrtime, TS, Rating, Ratingreasons, Distance, PAX, Ticket, Crew, Salary, Fuelprice, Fuel_Bought, Fuel_Used, Profit, Pilot_ID, VA_ID, Number, FlightState, Version, Simrate, Hours, Multiplier, Bonus, Cargo, Cargo_kg, FlightType) VALUES ('B773','1147','Jerry ?????','COA102','Constitution Airlines','KLAX','YSSY','YSSY','1251','144','1148180158','95','Taxi-speed exceeded 25kts
','6520','383','700','1915','39421','1.18','68797','125003','223391','71','329','LONG100','On Block','v0.5.8b','16','12.883333','500', '0', '96803', '35989', '0');

Post by JJacobs »

Konny I will refly this route but I would still appreciate credit for this flight, thanks

Post by Blackhawk1 »

What the heck is that?

Post by JJacobs »

its what the client sends the website about info on the flight

Post by BigQ »

what happenned here? i remember seeing you stopped in the middle of the pacific on the flight tracker on the site, and then suddenly went off...

Post by JJacobs »

I had to discon halfway cause I was gonna be away for awhile and it was iffy if my fuel would last. I dissconected my internet and the client froze up even though Ive done that all the time. So I restarted and used time accel