I have now limited all my a/c to 0kg cargo so the only payload other than pax/bag is packages.
The time limit is a good idea, although when you only fly alone it can be tricky. when it comes to long routes though I believe this is an impossible act. when i order something from china in the real world to europe it takes up to 30 days with airfreight. perhaps a few extra days could be of use on long distance? EG for Priority
Day 1 LBC > HAM
day 2 HAM > FRA
Day 3 FRA > DXB
Day 4 DXB > PVG
day 5 PVG > PEK
day 6 PEK > TVS
Maybe even in 5 days but not on a sim, even more so if you are alone

Maybe after the Deadline where you get 100% for not delivering schould be an instant 50% fee on top of the earning instead of a deduction and after 5 hours (prio) oe feeling days( not prio) the fee is up to 90% for instance.. the package still has to be delivered as no Real cargo just disapeares. Cool would be a random request from the costomer to have the package requested back free of Charge after a Set time of not delivering, meaning you have dead Load back to where the package was created and no income. Leaving it in storage will Cost if not own cargo Center ans fines will be issued by law enforcment in Regular Basis if not delivered to destination or back to Customer. So if just left in cargo center as there is no income, you could find yourself loosing money and depending on how long, declare bankruptcy in worsed scenario after a long time.
Is there any way to downsize cargo? say you load a 2000kg PAL on a b747 that has to fly from JFK to FRA and your routing is JFK to LHR, the PAL would be unloaded in LHR and the cargo guys would then split it to passenger services flying ( eg A320) LHR > FRA. of course if the cargo piece alone has 1950KG then it could not be splitted but that is not so common unless on a freighter service.
maybe a tick on the end flight next to the deliver packages to send rest to a cargo center.
or, and i belive this is more realisic maybe, a tick to leave the none delivered cargo on the aircraft. that way the cargo would always go to a cargo center if the ac is not planned to go strait back out with the rest of the cargo. that way, the cargo centers would be used more often and be forced to use other VA/FSairlines cargo centers, giving them more meaning as the inbound cargo would be offloaded and not sit around in the ac parked.
this seems too complex but just as an idea, it would be great if you could plan the routes of the A/C, a schedule. that way you could already book the freight to be loaded for the flights ahead and the pilots fly those routes, saving you loading cargo to an ac and the pilot then booking a flight to somewhere different. that way you could already book the cargo in advance that would go to a cargo center in storage until the ac is to leave that airport.
The planned cargo could be locked in the cargo center until the flight is active on the client, costing more for the storage (if not own cargo center) of booked cargo until the flight actually loads up in the sim.
maybe block Engineering hangars from performing checks when cargo is stored, blocking the parking for the aircraft / work of the technicians.
Perhaps no AC can leave without the cost of a Ramp agent from a VA office, if no own va office is there, adding a use of own / other airline's VA office.
are they any good?