Protect route data

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Protect route data

Post by joefremont »

In the last several months we have had a couple airlines contact me about others 'copying' there routes. One because they though someone had, the other about the possibility of someone doing so. Now for the record there is no specific rule against it and I am not going to take any action against someone who has done so. But the question that popped into my mind is should we do more to protect route data on the site? Since day one route data has always been public. Until recently real world airlines would actually publish there time tables so anyone could see it real world passengers need to know where you fly so they can book flights.

So the question is should we do more to protect an airlines routes? I am about to make a change so that unless you have permission to edit an airlines routes you won't be able to select 'All Airports" so you won't be able to see a list of all routes at the same time, which you could then copy/paste into a spreadsheet, but should we do more?
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