"Eurobusiness Class" implementation

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"Eurobusiness Class" implementation

Post by Devis80 »


That would add realism to the flights. By now on short and middle range aircaft we have to decide to have a fix seating number of business and economy class seats, but at least in europe, this doesn't represent the real life.

normaly airlines chan "switch" the amount of business class seats by keeping free the middle seats and moving the divider "courtain" accordingly. That would be so nice to have...

What would be nice too, is to have an A320 with 186 economy seats availabe e.g. easyjet has it.
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Re: "Eurobusiness Class" implementation

Post by Devis80 »

...and what I forgot to mention, is that to pay to change a configuration on an narrow body aircraft who operates in Europe, dosn't make very sense :oops:
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Re: "Eurobusiness Class" implementation

Post by joefremont »

It has been mentioned many times that for economy seats we always assume a seat pitch of not less than 30", evil airlines like easy jet will use 'basic' economy seats closer together than that but to keep things consistent we don't.

The economics and modeling of passenger behavior of using more kinds of seat times would require a total reimagining of how we calculate things, which I don't see us doing any time soon.
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Re: "Eurobusiness Class" implementation

Post by Devis80 »

Ok, than I will think about what to do with FSAirlines in the future.