Taxi on the Runway

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Taxi on the Runway

Post by joefremont »

This is more for my own information. I have had a couple flights that the pilots asked to be reviewed where they landed at one end of a long runway and continued at high speed down the runway until they reached the other end and exited. The client, not being able to tell the type of ground you on dinged them for overspeed taxi. Right now the client gives one minute from the time you touch down to the time you have to be below the taxi speed limit.

So my question is what is the real world rule for aircraft speed on the runway after you land? Should we give more time to slow down after landing, or may be way until the aircraft turns?
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Re: Taxi on the Runway

Post by AdySmith »

High speed taxiing is not good for the tyres, could easily lead to blowouts.

On long runways with limited turn off taxiways ATC will increase spacing on approach to allow time to slow down and vacate.

Keep the ground speed limit as it is.
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Re: Taxi on the Runway

Post by CaptainPrecious »

I have an FBO at Istanbul Airport which has ridiculously long runways. Sometimes when I have a high GW and no traffic is behind me I land long intentionally to not get the brakes hot in order to be able to depart soon again. I got a taxi penalty a couple of times, so yes for me more leniancy here would be a benefit
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