incorrect calculation of ZFW and MTOW

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incorrect calculation of ZFW and MTOW

Post by Ice-Onkel »

I have problems with long-haul flights, that you have to leave a lot of passengers and cargo at home because the system uses wrong ZFW values
no matter if the plane is half full or full, the system calculates an ZFW of 181,000 and the further you want to fly, the less you can take with you
Example :
ZWF running FSA 181000
Paxe 350 Cargo 9612kg = ZFW according to Airplane 166012
Difference of 14988kg
this difference is now calculated for me in the client as OVER Max TOW and I have to unload passengers and cargo, which is just stupid when the longer the flights go, the less and less you can take with you and the income decreases as a result

max fuel is 61t
for each ton of fuel you have to take with you, you deduct paxe and cargo that you cannot take with you

Please correct this in the system
Thanks very much

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Re: incorrect calculation of ZFW and MTOW

Post by joefremont »

I am glad you moved this from the support ticket to here, its a much more appropriate place.

i think what your issue is that the system automatically always tries to load the aircraft with payload up to MZFW and what your asking for is a way to stop that.

Right now you have two tools for doing that, on the aircraft seat configuration you can reduce the number of seats and/or set a 'cargo limit' that will reduce the amount of cargo loaded onto the aircraft. Also on the route you can set a 'limit cargo' and 'limit passengers' but since your VA uses 'All Aircraft' on most of its routes that is not as useful.

I can see going forward what we may need is a payload confirmation page when booking the flight that would come after selecting route and aircraft that would show the suggested average fuel and allow you to make adjustments to the payload before the flight is booked.
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