Client detects crashes

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Should flights with a very high vertical speed be recorded as a crash

Poll ended at Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:34 pm

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2500 fpm
5000 fpm
7500 fpm
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1000 fpm
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Client detects crashes

Post by joefremont »

Currently the client does not try to determine if you have crashed, it only records that the sim thinks you have crashed. But often I see flights with a landing VS > 20,000 fpm, which is about 200 kn straight down, not recorded as a crash. So the question is a simple one, should if the client determines you have a very high vertical speed, record it as a crash even if the sim did not raise the 'crash' flag.
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Re: Client detects crashes

Post by CaptainPrecious »

It absolutely should!
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Re: Client detects crashes

Post by JasonO »

Are there any situations where this could be recorded incorrectly, or it extremely unlikely to achieve a significant number like the ones proposed?

It would be a shame to see an aircraft written off due to an error, but I assume these are not uncommon and if if in some weird circumstance it does falsely record this the flight data could be reviewed and admins revert if clearly an error?
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Re: Client detects crashes

Post by joefremont »

I don't think adopting this change would effect the damage to aircraft much. Currently aircraft are not written off after a crash, the damage is based on the speed of the aircraft and the amount of damage would be increased, but even today with a very high VS on 'landing' aircraft can take severe damage, but never drop below 5%. In this case, where VS alone determines the crash has occurred, we can continue to calculate them damage based on just the VS as we do when a normal landing happens.
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Re: Client detects crashes

Post by AdySmith »

It is, of course, possible to take this too far.

If the VS at touchdown exceeds 10,000 FpM one could say the pilot is dead and remove them from the airline, just saying!
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Re: Client detects crashes

Post by BusDriver320 »

Will aircraft ever be written off after a crash one day?
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Re: Client detects crashes

Post by joefremont »

We nave never really considered destroying/writing off the aircraft after a crash, the worst we do is reduce the repair level down to 5%. There is always the option to review a flight when if done before trying to move the aircraft or pilot will put the AC back into the state it was before the flight, and since we don't kill the pilot after the crash it stands to reason the aircraft would still be around.

Often when you get to the C or D level checks needed to get the AC back from less than 75% or 40%, the cost of doing so is often more than the value of the aircraft (especially older aircraft) so VA's are better off scrapping them. VA's that lease there aircraft don't have the option to do so and I have considered giving the option to just buy the AC instead of repairing it, but there may be too many options for abuse if we were to do that.
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Re: Client detects crashes

Post by BusDriver320 »

okay sounds good. the 5% penalty is still better than anything else :wink: . Air Hauler is hit or miss on it registering a crash and if it does the damage can be nonexistent. OnAir does absolutely nothing to the aircraft health state.
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Re: Client detects crashes

Post by BVU-951 »

I have always flown with crash detection on. And I think if you could detect that then I think I should get some kind of reward or penalize those that turn it off.
Just saying
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