Client 2.4.1 Released

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Client 2.4.1 Released

Post by joefremont »

Hello Flyers.

I have just released a new version of the client as a stable release, version 2.4.1

This is more of a bug fix release and does not have any real new features, but this fixed are:

- The adjustment of cargo is fixed so you can't accidently take off with a weight above the MTOW or MZFW.

- The adjustment of fuel when using the simple fueling method is fixed.

- Some changes were made to reduce aborts during flights.

I am also using a different computer to build the releases now that will be used only for that purpose. Before I would use the same one I develop and fly with, with this the chance that any virus may creep into the client will be reduced. One must always practice safe computing.
I've sworn an oath of solitude until the pestilence is purged from the lands.
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