Cargo Troubles

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Cargo Troubles

Post by Winterino »

Hi - I am running my own small airline to shift cargo about the States but am having difficulty with the cargo system. I've read the thread on how the cargo system works but still have a few questions:

Generic Cargo: When booking a flight this seems to load an amount of cargo that cannot be modified. I know you can limit the cargo but ideally I'd like to control this so I can have more than is automatically assigned. The airports I am operating out of have hundreds of thousands of kg of cargo. Is there a way to load cargo manually so I can top my hold off after accounting for fuel and packages? Or does the system create an arbitrary amount to your destination?

Packages: I have landed at KATL and now want to know what packages are there and where they need to get to - When I select Packages from the side menu KATL is not an airport I can select, which means I cannot see the package situation without first creating a flight and then booking it. Is this just a delay in updating airports where I have a plane parked?

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Re: Cargo Troubles

Post by joefremont »

You ask a very large question. Generally the system will try to load your aircraft with passengers and cargo up to the Max Zero Fuel Weight of the aircraft. You can limit it, on the seating configuration on the aircraft and on the route definition there is a 'limit cargo' value where you can fill in the maximum cargo allowed on the flight. The route also has a 'limit passengers', field and the seat configuration is itself a way to limit passengers.

The 'Select Packages' after you book the flight is a simplified page for just where you are going. To things to look at.

In the menu Virtual Airline -> Packages is a more complex package management page where you can search and load multiple aircraft

But for a quick view you can go to the airport information page of the airport you are at and in options select "Package Summary" it will show a table where the top other airports for packages coming and going to that airport.

Lastly there is a wealth of information on the gettings started videos Sam created you can find here:

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