I've found a neat little ice warning gauge that I can add to my aircraft panels, and it talks about checking/setting some stuff in the .air file for the individual aircraft types, to ensure that icing/anti icing is available.
I'd like to know how to find/open the .air file to check/change as required the settings for records 1513, 1518, and 1519 records, to ensure that aircraft with anti-icing switches are actually their and operating in the actual model, but am not sure how to get into the file to look at it, or indeed recognise individual records lol.
The reason behind this is because I have a large number of models that suffer from icing effects (I use REX for all my flights, a real weather add-on), even though the anti-icing/pitot switches are made and appear to be operating, yet I still lose the IAS which can be a real pain during any stage of flight!
If anyone can point me in the right direction and perhaps send me a screen shot of what I am looking for in the .air file or what I can cjheck in the .cfg file, it would be much appreciated.
setting up icing..
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Re: setting up icing..
AirEd is the #1 AIR FILE editor, but be careful and only change the areas that are specified in the Ice Warning gauge as making edits in other areas can cause unwanted changes.
Re: setting up icing..
Thanks for that...
I've found and downloaded the AirEd file and also the AAMv2.2 software which will both open and edit .air files. I've also located a record reference for .air file records. Having gone to various forums, It appears that there are potential changes required for the aircraft config file for (de-icing) parts that may have been missed, but different versions of SDK for the aircraft container don't mention these.
The version of the aircraft container for FS9 doesn't mention the [de-ice_sytem] for example, which 'may' require setting depending on the model, and also additions to electrical loads in the [electrical] sytem for things like prop de-icing.
I just wish I had the time to fully research the whole modelling side of things...
Anyway, thanks for the heads up Chris... and to all you developers out there, keep up the good work, and please remember the icing/deicing systems
I've found and downloaded the AirEd file and also the AAMv2.2 software which will both open and edit .air files. I've also located a record reference for .air file records. Having gone to various forums, It appears that there are potential changes required for the aircraft config file for (de-icing) parts that may have been missed, but different versions of SDK for the aircraft container don't mention these.
The version of the aircraft container for FS9 doesn't mention the [de-ice_sytem] for example, which 'may' require setting depending on the model, and also additions to electrical loads in the [electrical] sytem for things like prop de-icing.
I just wish I had the time to fully research the whole modelling side of things...
Anyway, thanks for the heads up Chris... and to all you developers out there, keep up the good work, and please remember the icing/deicing systems