No reason not to, it's good for your computer to do it monthly. As well, do the system defragmentation (again, not necessary, but its good to do it every month)
I think I got it, but it's not important, I got enough others from other people
And I also found out where the problem is, but I don't know why it happens. I'm currently investigating.
Thanks, Konny, for all the hard work you have put into this. The first flight I flew with the new release was a route that had crashed before. It crashed again about halfway from KDVT - KSFO.
I understand that you have lots and lots of work, and that FLYnet is your hobby that you do on your spare time. I really respect that you put so much into this. I was wondering if you were able to pinpoint the problem that I discussed with you earlier? If not, it's ok, I understand the amazing time commitment you put into this program!