Aircraft wrongly shown as booked.

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Aircraft wrongly shown as booked.

Post by UKD192 »


Have just a slight problem. We can't fly one of our aircraft :?
Its been showing as booked for 24 hours now, but no one has booked it, so no one is able to book it. :P
This probably happened when my FS crashed before take off at EGJB yesterday. [maybe ?]
The REG is G-AAQF its at EGJB and its definitely NOT booked by anyone

Please could someone look into this.

Cheers now


Post by BigQ »

Hey Rob!

Have you tried reflying the flight since the crash on takeoff? When the client crashes, the flight is automatically set back to booked status, and it seemingly adds another 24 hours for it to be flown...

Sorry if I'm totally off...

Post by UKD192 »

Cheers Adrien,

Did as you suggested, and the client comes up with 'No Flight Found' ,'Database Error', 'Internet Connection', just in case it was my client playing up, I tried another flight, and that was OK. So hopefully after 24hours it will be unlocked, that’s good news.
This error could be fatal for small start-up airlines if they are not able to fly their one and only aircraft.
Still not to worry - I bought another aircraft, inserted another flight [the current one was also locked] and flew the trip. 8)

Thanks for your ideas and help.


Post by BigQ »

No problem!
FSAirlines Developer
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Location: Munich, Germany

Post by Konny »

I fixed the status of the flight and the aircraft. Guess you don't know when that happened and what you did last before the flight got locked ?
Konrad - FSAirlines Developer

Post by UKD192 »

I can give you approximate times and the sequences of events just before and after the 'lock',

Times UTC
Flight booked 19th March 2006 23:50
Flight Taxi Start 23:55
Take off about 23:59
FS Froze/locked 00:02 (20th March 2006)
FlyNET client showed the 2 departure times and also showed the 3rd time, is it Landed/Arrival ?, but not the 4th time (I cannot remember what that is). Although my FS was locked the FlyNET client seemed quite happy, although I had NOT in fact landed, I had just taken off.
00:05 Leaving the Client running I went to the Web page and canceled the flight. Was charged 386v$ (?) for cancellation.
00:06 Exit FlyNET client in normal style, but had to use Task Manager to close Flight Sim.
00:18 Re-Started FS, logged in and found flight locked.

Should I have Exit from the FlyNET client BEFORE I cancel the flight ?

The times are from my PC log so could be -~+ a few minutes !

Hope this helps


[Oh - and thanks for fixing the Status of our Flight and Aircraft - :) ]

Post by BigQ »

Well, sounds like what you did is about right. Just for future reference though, you don't need to cancel the flight, it'll be automatically canceled after 24 hours (unless you want to make another one...)