flynet wierdness

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flynet wierdness

Post by Tomb »

so thier i was mach .7 at 38,000 ft drinking coffee when my two right hand engines flamed out

oh i thought,

i checked all fuel switches and they were correct

desended down to 18000ft and relit both engines and climbed back up, i had about 900miles to go from EGTG-KJFK

landed at KJFK but no beep

so i check flynet but it says "reverted to booked state", ok i thought i will fly it again but i and the plane are now at EGBB (which we dont fly from to KJFK) intead of EGTG. it also says we have crashed ..hmm something not right here it should have put me to the nearest airfield and EGBB is no where near the flight path.

can i ask this flight be deleted please so i can get unbooked and get myself and the plane back to EGTG

since the booked flight is busyjet BA303 EGTG-KJFK since for some reason me and the plane have been placed at EGBB

rest of the flight details i will put in the unexplained crash thread


day off and i cant fly in flynet...bummer
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Re: flynet wierdness

Post by joefremont »

That does sound strange, your back in business.
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Re: flynet wierdness

Post by Tomb »

thanks i will refly that flight again just to see what happens, having crashed before i know how it looks and what should happen, absolutley no idea why i should end up at EGBB since its not the nearest airfield at any point in the route or the actual flight path i took.

i think i was about to get an engine failure but something went wrong with flynet. does it switch the fuel off to the engine perhaps ?

guessing now but i suspect flynet did its wierd thing at this point which meant it i could relight the engines since effectively i was not flying in flynet anymore.

good training value mind since i had to run the abnormal check list only to find nothing wrong so went for an engine relight which worked.

it got my attention LoL
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Re: flynet wierdness

Post by joefremont »

Since two engines shut down I don't think the flynet client caused the problem but if you landed normally at KJFK I don't know why it recorded a crash.
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Re: flynet wierdness

Post by Tomb »

i dont either or why it would put me at EGBR.

the fuel panel was definatly correct and i am familair with the operation of the comet, i thought i had missed a fuel switch or setting but nope they were correct and i got an instant relight at first attempt then i thought fuel or engine ice but that was fine too

i see we got docked the 20% rating anyway i suspect because a flight has been booked post crash and flown post crash fix

seen this before when i checked we are at 98 and i think we are now at 79 (one flight booked at 78 + landing ) think its a flynet quirk and i think its works the other way round too,

if you would be so kind so sort that, we should current plus 20%

will report if i get any inflight engine shutdowns in the comet next flight, perhaps the center tank running dry is the trigger, not convinced about that though since the left side kept running but you never know could be a quirk when attached to flynet

i should have mentioned the fuel method was "compare"
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Re: flynet wierdness

Post by Tomb »

ok flight completed with no dramas.

first thing to note is though the comet has 9 fuel tanks in the fuel panel the model actually only has 3 in FS9 and with no cross feed removing fuel flow from the right tank will shut down engines three and four. so its fair to say i had this occur. since the plane was empty and i filled it up to full, then flynet threw a wobbly and put me crashed at birmingham with a fuel amout remaining at that time while FS9 carried on blisfully unaware . working this backwards i can see that flynet had its problem when i was somewhere south of greenland onroute

no 3 and 4 engines flamed out somewhere around newfoundland.

the fuel panel on a normal flight draws fuel with the cross feeds open from all the tanks with the center tank running empty just shy of new york and the wings showing just under half full.

on the glitch flight the center tank empted early and the wing tanks were nearly full. this shows some problem was introduced, suspect a flynet engine failure by switching the fuel tank cock off an open a crossfeed at a guess causing an engine rundown. however the comet has three crossfeeds and a sneak circuit in the the center feed to the left and then from left to right, thier is no center to right. so with fuel not being drawn by the right hand engines from the right hand tank the center emptied faster and when it run out the right hand engines stopped.

howvever this was i suspect the result of an possible engine failure introduced by flynet which did not quite work and it threw a wobbly. it just took a while to show up. dunno if that had any bearing but does fit the fuel picture. too bad it glitched but i did have an interesting time recovering it and if it had not glitched i think i might have found myself two engines out over mid atlantic unable to relight the other two. that might have got exciting as the comet would not have had the range to return or continue on, i would have had to divert and done an asymectric approach into some airfield in green land maybe.

it was fun anyway, not routine for sure.