flight not posted to account

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flight not posted to account

Post by Airboatr »

I completed a flight from KDFW to KPHX
got a 100% rating
the client showed airline income but no cost for crew or fuel
I logged in to my account but it shows no flight recoreded and has me located back in dallas
Thanks for anyhelp I can get on fixing this.
PS when I went to book a flight it still has the flight as already booked
(same flight I just completed)
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Dave Athay
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Post by Dave Athay »

Same thing just happened to me today! Everything looked normal until I finished the flight. It calculated ticket revenue, but no crew or catering costs, and the bottom line was zero. The website thinks the flight is booked/enroute, but the client can't find a booked flight for me.

It was the second flight of the day. I didn't restart either FS or the client between flights. Maybe I should have?

EDIT- I just answered my own question. There's a post a little ways down this forum that shows the same thing happening. You've got to close and re-start the client between flights or the second leg doesn't get counted. Bummer! Good thing today was a short hop... :wink:

Post by Airboatr »

Thanks Dave
I figured it was something like that, I just reflew mine
I've had a few different versions of the client not working properly.
But as a side note
I have diconnected my internet connection in the middle of a flight
(reconnnected at the end of the flight before landing to give the client time to reconnnect,)
and when I hit the parking brake, I got the ding dong and the flight registered.
so that works. :lol:

Post by Tekin »

I've been posting this situation the third time, but I never get a valid reply from an admin or mod.
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Post by Quantum »

There is a bug with the current Client version that means you MUST close down the Client completely between flights. If you just hit end flight without shutting the Client down completely then only the first flight gets logged correctly and any subsequent flight flown will NOT get recorded.

Admins : This question keeps popping up every so often. The warning on the FlyNET home page has now dropped off the bottom due to subsequent messages. Can it be pinned to the FlyNET homepage or stickied somewhere else to help new users
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